class Solution:
def visiblePoints(self, points: List[List[int]], angle: int, location: List[int]) -> int:
x, y = location[0], location[1]
angleList = [] #所有节点与观测者的夹角数组
cnt = 0
pi = math.pi
for a, b in points:
# 细节1:题目规定了与location重合的点在任意角度都能看到,因此我们需要对这些点进行特殊处理
if a == x and b == y and (cnt+1) >= 0:
cnt += 1
# atan2值域[-180,180]与[0,360]相差pi
angleList.append(math.atan2(b-y, a-x) + pi)
# 双指针求数组中最长的连续序列
t = angle * pi / 180
n = len(angleList)
maxPoint = 0
# 细节2:直接在原数组 listlist 操作,会漏掉夹角横跨一四象限的情况
# 因此先对夹角数组进行拷贝拼接,并对拼接部分增加偏移量(确保数组仍具有单调性)
for i in range(n):
angleList.append(angleList[i] + 2*pi)
i, j = 0, 0
while j < 2*n:
while i < j and angleList[j] - angleList[i] > t:
i+= 1
maxPoint = max(maxPoint, j-i+1)
j += 1
return cnt + maxPoint